Truth Seeker’s Take

Blogs of Brainstorming. Stickies of Truths.

  • The Yes/No Epidemic

    If you spend time scrolling through Tik Tok, you may have noticed there is no shortage of “Readers” or Lives dedicated to answering Yes/No questions from their (sometimes) vast audience. It’s such a strong presence that often people come into my lives and immediately pose their question, assuming that is the format of my live. And to be honest, it’s not the most unreasonable assumption, considering how many rooms there are that follow that format. Unfortunately, I do not follow that format. As a matter of fact, I warn against it. And I’ll tell you why.

    I’m going to say some things in this blog that may offend people, or might hit a button a little bit harder than they’d like, or that they might just outright disagree with, or even think I’m speaking out of turn or from a place of judgment with no basis. But I’ll take my chances, because I am writing what I believe to be truth. And I absolutely do speak from experience. And I do believe this will help people.

    It was not all that long ago that I was getting readings (not just FREE readings either-but that’s another post) and was downright addicted to the Yes/No oracle. I would “live hop” constantly asking the same questions over and over again. And I did this until I annoyed myself. And I realized exactly what I was doing and exactly why it was NOT, in fact, helping me. See, we aren’t meant to live by Oracle like that. I’m not saying don’t go get readings, I’m saying don’t create a situation for yourself where you can’t get along without them; Don’t seek them to give you answers so that you can skirt accountability for decisions or attempt to obtain some guarantee for a decision you need to make. That’s not how it’s meant to be. We are meant to live by our intuition. When we get readings, they should be for assistance, guidance, uncovering messages we aren’t getting, finding some clarity, or navigating energies, not for ANSWERS-especially not all the time. Our guides are not our test takers, they are our tutors. They aren’t meant to give us all the answers-what would be the good for us in that? Why would we even incarnate? We are here to learn, not to cheat. If you need to cheat on a test by having someone else give you the answers, you aren’t learning. You’re here to learn. You are failing yourself.

    The Yes/No format is especially dangerous for a couple of reasons. First reason is because you can’t necessarily rely on prediction anyway. There are too many variables-including Free will-that affect outcome and timing. It’s a quick investment and seemingly quick “results” so you are more likely to want to repeat it. It gives a false since of security, thereby hindering your own acceptance, blocking your own healing, and disconnecting you from your own intuition, which is WHERE YOU SHOULD be seeking answers from.

    If you think about it, we don’t even believe the answers we get most of the time. We go to a room, get our answer, and then go to another room and get an answer from the next person. We do this until we are satisfied and Sweet Baby Jesus forbid if we get SIX yes’ and ONE no. We will focus on the one no and need 13 more readers to tell us yes. I heard a yes/no reader tell a person one time, “No, you are not doing a good job.” That was their yes/no question…’Am I doing a good job’…and the reader told them NO. Could you imagine being the person that heard that from a reader?

    Now we are going to talk about something that might be hard to hear. How did I stop live hopping for Yes/No answers? How did I overcome the need for Yes/No oracle and see them for how detrimental they really are? I slowly began to realize the answers were not helping me. I woke up and saw that all of this live hopping I was doing was driven by something inside of me that needed to be healed. Insecurity, Lack, Fear. They created a sense of urgency that consumed me to the point that I needed Yes/No answers. I needed to heal that and learn how to trusts my own intuition, learn how to live by my own truths and to be able to be confident in that. So I started working on it and healed myself past the need for those pesky yes/no oracle.

    I will tell anyone that comes into my live that I’m not a yes/no reader. I also won’t tap into a third party and read them for you (YIKES! Readers actually do that for people) because I believe in Ethics and consent. All of the information I get in a session is from directly from you and/or given by your guides (always with consent). I’m here to help YOU. To help you heal you, to help you find your most confident, authentic, and Intuitive self. How do I know I can do it? Because I have done it. But we won’t be talking about other people or predictions. We’ll be talking about YOU. You, and only you. Where you are at right now, how to meet you there and move you forward ❤️.

  • Gratitude for Free

    There are two perspectives here. Both point to the same foundation for thought. That foundation is none of us are entitled to someone else’s energy, effort, or knowledge for free. It is with gratitude we accept gifts from another, as these gifts are a form of abundance, but they are others’ to give. Giving is the choice of the giver and the blessing of the receiver. Expectation and gratitude have a tricky relationship. It is important for us to never ever expect without the energy of gratitude.

    So the first perspective is to have gratitude for what is freely given. All interactions are an exchange of energy. If someone is offering you something for free, it still costs them their time, energy, and effort and is usually not about a return on investment for that someone. It is an honest and pure intention to help or to gift. Whatever the case, we are never ever entitled to someone else’s anything. It is not ours to take, and an even exchange of energy is always in the highest good for all involved. So when you are gifted a blessing from a giver, be sure to repay them with at least gratitude, well wishes, blessings, or some other energy with positive intention of equal measure.

    The other perspective is to not take advantage of what is freely given by constantly seeking ONLY what is freely given. This, again, is rooted in a sense of entitlement. If you watch someone that sells Crystals on lives and you go and sit in their lives never buying but always trying to win the giveaways, this is taking advantage. If you scroll through social media and/or lives entering free give aways, asking for answers, readings, or messages for free and you never purchase anything to support any of those people, this is an issue. This indicates a lack of gratitude and the presence of entitlement. It would be a safe assumption that the same people seeking ONLY free things would absolutely not punch a clock and work for free or tolerate customers that came around ONLY asking for free things. It is a lost art…”Putting yourself in their shoes” but it should be reprised. Should it be practiced more readily, honestly and without judgment, one could reconcile that they would not work day in and day out with no compensation. Then maybe they would appreciate the hard work and understand the blessing of an even energy exchange and how it is in the highest good for both parties.

    So if you have the opportunity of the blessing of a free gift, enjoy it, with gratitude. If you find with that free gift the source of products you love, the source of guidance that you trust, do that source, and yourself a favor and show them some support. Show them that they are worth more to you than “free”, that you value them more than “free”. It doesn’t have to be constant, often, or forever. But it should be more often than seeking products or services for free, because those people are trying to make a living, same as you, and there is a definite indication of the value you perceive in their efforts based on how you interact with them. You are sending messages whether you intend to or not and those messages include but aren’t limited to “I see no value in what you provide because, while I seek out your service or your product, I am not willing to pay for it.” Imagine working for someone who says this to you.