Truth Seeker’s Take

Blogs of Brainstorming. Stickies of Truths.

  • Truth Seeking

    When we are on our journeys, we will come across various belief systems…’takes’ if you will, on what the truth is. Some of which we will subscribe to…whether it be for a period of time or for the rest of our lives. The biggest thing, I think, for a Truth Seeker to understand is that through your many mentors, investigations, and acquisitions (of the knowledge variety) you are not looking for THE truth. You are looking for YOUR truth. And when you accept that YOUR truth IS the important truth…THE truth…then you can begin to build your own belief system in confidence and without the worry of the opinions of others. We are speaking, of course, under the assumption that you are seeking genuine and honest truth, with integrity, an open mind, an open heart, and earnest intentions. This is not for one that is looking for all the right things for all the wrong reasons.

    That’s not to say you shouldn’t have mentors or to seek knowledge. That is to say you should listen to yourself and what resonates with your being while you are under mentorship and gathering that knowledge. I have had a few mentors in my life. Do I believe that ANY of them have ALL the answers? Did I just blindly accept everything they ever taught me? Of course not. Did I still gain a wealth of wisdom and knowledge from them? Was I still able to gather and incorporate beliefs that resonated with me and are still a part of my belief system to this day. Yes, absolutely! And for that I will be eternally grateful.

    Let me use this example. There are no less than 4000 religions out there. All of them believe they have the absolute truth in their belief systems. This is not just big religions, either. Take Christianity…there are subsects of Christianity that differ in their belief systems. Do ANY of these belief systems have it 100% correct. Not even remotely likely, yet these members individually devote their lives to these belief systems. It becomes their truth. Is it THE truth. At least for them it is. I wouldn’t subscribe personally, but it is not for me to determine someone else’s truth…only my own.

    This is the truth we seek. Our own. This is not a conceited or ego driven belief we are building. This is not a finite search. We are not here to find the truth and persuade the rest of the world. We are here to find our own truth and to live it. To share in love and fellowship and to be open to new knowledge and beliefs…always learning and embracing the new wisdom that resonated with our being. All the while living OUR OWN TRUTH without judgment of others who do not subscribe to our own; Without fear of judgment from others who do not subscribe to our own. ❤

  • NEW – Starting 5/15

    So I just moved, big pivot, and got a ton of inspiration over the course of that move. I’ve been doing a lot of meditating, listening to divine guidance, planning and setting up and now the only thing left to do is to push the proverbial button. So starting 5/15, EVERY DAY between 10am-12pm, I will be on a LIVE-on Tik Tok, and alternating between Instagram, YouTube, and potentially Facebook. This will not be what you expect a Live sale to look like. This will be virtual shopping. A sort of cross between a website and a live sale. Hop on the live, have a look, ask me if you have anything specific you are looking for, and you can see on the live what you are buying before you buy it. I will stock your cart by you claims, I will bill you, and upon payment I will ship it. I will be available the entire time of the live, and will help on a first come first serve basis. I will also have appointments for shopping if you’d like guaranteed one-on one time uninterrupted. We’ll try this approach out for a couple of weeks and make adjustments as needed. I will still do lives for spirit messages at night, individual sessions for anyone interested, and I still have an opening for a life coaching client. Please note all times are Eastern Standard Time.

  • In the Pivot

    I’m in a pivot. It’s a bit scary. I’ve sold my house, with the intention of buying land for a homestead and things went the opposite direction. I’m not complaining, I’m not concerned, but I’m surprised. I like where I live right now. It’s mostly peaceful and my kids have already made friends they see daily. They are spending a lot more time outside and I personally am sleeping SO MUCH better. These types of things were the main goals. My house was feeling heavy. It was noticeable towards the end but being out of it now there is a huge difference. Even the girls have commented about how it’s ‘better’ here. They can’t quite put their finger on it, they haven’t worked out that it is simply the energy of it all, but it is, indeed, the energy.

    Now that I’ve moved, I feel like I’m moving again. I felt stuck. I’ve gotten things back together for business, so the scrubs are back in the store and we’ll be working on other things as well. Those scrubs are nice, though. Organic. Made to Order. Great feedback from everyone. I’m really proud of those. The bookings are doing well and I’ve felt called to try again in with some things that didn’t work out as well as I thought they should have the last time that I tried them. But I’m in a different place now where I’m better able to trust the process and believe in the outcome without trying to assign my own timeline and expectations to it. It’s been a good bit of time in the making.

    But it’s good. It’s gonna be good. Check the shop for new-or at least re emerging-items. And as always I’m here to help if you are in need of the assistance of a life coach ❤️

  • When Intuition Hits

    I was watching Charmed. I know, I know…but there is a loyalty factor…you know like New Kids on the Block…

    Anyway, I was watching Charmed and Phoebe got a premonition. She shuttered and closed her eyes and had a full on scene play out in her mind. It lasted for quite some time and the impact of her receiving the vision was significant enough that it was noticeable to anyone around her that new she got visions and they ask…”Was that a premonition” or “What did you see?” This is not the only show that these gifts this way. This paints a certain picture, and can cause confusion when one tries to connect with their own intuition…expecting it to be big and loud and obvious. This is not what intuition looks like. Not even close.

    Intuition is subtle. If you are looking for some sort of energetic kickback, a physical jolt, flashing neon signs, or a 30 second cut scene, you will miss it. If your mind is too loud with the noise of anxiety, worry, all the things you “gotta do” then you will miss it. Intuition is FAST (like one, two seconds), and it is quiet, and it is so soft and subtle that if you aren’t listening you WILL miss it. I may not be able to tell you exactly what your intuition will look like for you-because while we all have it, it is does not look the same for each of us-but I can tell you that if you are looking in the wrong place for the wrong thing at the wrong volume, you are not getting messages. If you are looking too hard, you are not getting messages. The messages are coming at you, they always are, your intuition is always working for you. But if you don’t know it then you are too busy, too noisy, too worried…Or you could think of it from the opposite perspective and know that you just need to get calm, get quiet, get still.

    But HOW? Mindfulness. Meditation. In my guide on Mindfulness I talk about how I’m not sure everyone learns about mindfulness-or how to be mindful-early enough in their journey. I didn’t learn about mindfulness until much later and it was a disservice-to me, to my growth, to my healing. Once you start your healing and/or spiritual path, mindfulness should be the first thing you learn. It is fundamental in building a strong foundation for your practice. As is meditation. I realize that meditation is not looked on with favor from every one. Some people are resistant to meditation. If this is you, it could be because you don’t fully understand meditation. It could be because you have difficulty meditating, or because meditation truly doesn’t work for you (although I haven’t met anyone yet for which that is the case). The key to meditation is to find a way to meditate that does work for you. We aren’t meant to sit with an empty head focused on the mind void of thought. That’s not it. Meditation is meant to remove you from the noise, from the chaos and put you in a state where you can focus on something specific that will allow you to calm and quiet your mind so that you can master getting still, so that you can master listening, so that you can learn to discern what your intuition is saying to you. Meditation teaches you to get calm, to be open, and receptive to the messages your intuition is giving you. The trick is to be ready to accept what is being given. It will do you no good to force these answers. Looking too hard will have the opposite effect. But meditation-whether you are just closing your eyes and being while you shower, getting lost in your favorite hobby, dancing, taking a nature walk, gardening, sitting under a tree or actually sitting crisscross and focusing on your breathing-will help you to get still, get open, get clarity and understanding.

    Intuition can come in a million different ways. And so often we recognize intuition without recognizing that it IS intuition. So when a song pops into your head, it is likely a sign that you are getting a message. Make a note. What was the song, what does it mean, is there one lyric repeating and what is that, what were you doing or thinking about or talking to? Start paying attention and looking for patterns. Did you just help someone problem solve by giving them the most genius answer and have no idea how the hell you knew that? Did you get a “picture” in your head that looks like a memory and made you want to reach out and talk to somebody? There are so many ways to get messages and they will differ for each of us. And you aren’t bound to one single gift. You get messages how you get them. It’s just a matter of you recognizing how they come in, and then figuring out what they mean. Just remember, the quieter you are the better chance you have at recognizing the message because unlike Phoebe, you aren’t going to be stopped in your tracks or knocked off your feet for a 15 second interlude with a no mistake message. It’s going to be 2 seconds long (if that-totally a flash). It’s going to look like your imagination. It’s going to be “light”-like the shadow out of the corner of your eye or the question of whether that was a fly you just saw zoom past you or the creepy vibe that makes you want to leave the area asap. It will likely be a message in symbolic form for you to discern. However it works for you is yours to discover and to master. The point I’m trying to make here is that whatever the case is for you, don’t look to the Tele or the Big Screen to give you an accurate depiction of what it looks like. Find someone that has the benefit of experience and listen to their wisdom. Once you are able to master the way your intuition works for you the world changes completely.