Truth Seeker’s Take

Blogs of Brainstorming. Stickies of Truths.

  • The Yes/No Epidemic

    If you spend time scrolling through Tik Tok, you may have noticed there is no shortage of “Readers” or Lives dedicated to answering Yes/No questions from their (sometimes) vast audience. It’s such a strong presence that often people come into my lives and immediately pose their question, assuming that is the format of my live. And to be honest, it’s not the most unreasonable assumption, considering how many rooms there are that follow that format. Unfortunately, I do not follow that format. As a matter of fact, I warn against it. And I’ll tell you why.

    I’m going to say some things in this blog that may offend people, or might hit a button a little bit harder than they’d like, or that they might just outright disagree with, or even think I’m speaking out of turn or from a place of judgment with no basis. But I’ll take my chances, because I am writing what I believe to be truth. And I absolutely do speak from experience. And I do believe this will help people.

    It was not all that long ago that I was getting readings (not just FREE readings either-but that’s another post) and was downright addicted to the Yes/No oracle. I would “live hop” constantly asking the same questions over and over again. And I did this until I annoyed myself. And I realized exactly what I was doing and exactly why it was NOT, in fact, helping me. See, we aren’t meant to live by Oracle like that. I’m not saying don’t go get readings, I’m saying don’t create a situation for yourself where you can’t get along without them; Don’t seek them to give you answers so that you can skirt accountability for decisions or attempt to obtain some guarantee for a decision you need to make. That’s not how it’s meant to be. We are meant to live by our intuition. When we get readings, they should be for assistance, guidance, uncovering messages we aren’t getting, finding some clarity, or navigating energies, not for ANSWERS-especially not all the time. Our guides are not our test takers, they are our tutors. They aren’t meant to give us all the answers-what would be the good for us in that? Why would we even incarnate? We are here to learn, not to cheat. If you need to cheat on a test by having someone else give you the answers, you aren’t learning. You’re here to learn. You are failing yourself.

    The Yes/No format is especially dangerous for a couple of reasons. First reason is because you can’t necessarily rely on prediction anyway. There are too many variables-including Free will-that affect outcome and timing. It’s a quick investment and seemingly quick “results” so you are more likely to want to repeat it. It gives a false since of security, thereby hindering your own acceptance, blocking your own healing, and disconnecting you from your own intuition, which is WHERE YOU SHOULD be seeking answers from.

    If you think about it, we don’t even believe the answers we get most of the time. We go to a room, get our answer, and then go to another room and get an answer from the next person. We do this until we are satisfied and Sweet Baby Jesus forbid if we get SIX yes’ and ONE no. We will focus on the one no and need 13 more readers to tell us yes. I heard a yes/no reader tell a person one time, “No, you are not doing a good job.” That was their yes/no question…’Am I doing a good job’…and the reader told them NO. Could you imagine being the person that heard that from a reader?

    Now we are going to talk about something that might be hard to hear. How did I stop live hopping for Yes/No answers? How did I overcome the need for Yes/No oracle and see them for how detrimental they really are? I slowly began to realize the answers were not helping me. I woke up and saw that all of this live hopping I was doing was driven by something inside of me that needed to be healed. Insecurity, Lack, Fear. They created a sense of urgency that consumed me to the point that I needed Yes/No answers. I needed to heal that and learn how to trusts my own intuition, learn how to live by my own truths and to be able to be confident in that. So I started working on it and healed myself past the need for those pesky yes/no oracle.

    I will tell anyone that comes into my live that I’m not a yes/no reader. I also won’t tap into a third party and read them for you (YIKES! Readers actually do that for people) because I believe in Ethics and consent. All of the information I get in a session is from directly from you and/or given by your guides (always with consent). I’m here to help YOU. To help you heal you, to help you find your most confident, authentic, and Intuitive self. How do I know I can do it? Because I have done it. But we won’t be talking about other people or predictions. We’ll be talking about YOU. You, and only you. Where you are at right now, how to meet you there and move you forward ❤️.


    Today I was called to add a service to the roster. This is a distance energy work service. It includes a general reiki service followed by focused chakra work on each of the 7 main energy centers or chakra points. With each chakra there will be three channeled affirmations, a crystal (determined by channel), And the mantra. This will take an hour, so make sure when you book you have a full hour of uninterrupted time to be able to relax and receive the energy. We will immediately follow up with a 30 minute session where we can talk about the appointment, the affirmations, the crystals, and answer any questions you have. After the appointment is finished, I will ship the crystals used in your session to you along with the affirmations. This appointment totals 90 minutes, and you also get the crystals, a session, and channeled information. It is already available!


    This is not my niche. This is not where I sit. A lot of people want Oracle, and while you may think any psychic worth their salt can tell the future, I would say any psychic worth their salt would have healed past the need for Oracle themselves and would discourage you from relying too heavily on oracle in your life. This is not to say I don’t believe in Oracle, of course I do. What I don’t believe is that anyone should seek Oracle routinely, consistently, or even constantly. It is not for us to to know the future, but to discern our own individual journeys through our own intuition. And YES, you DO have intuition. And some of you are even moving past intuition and growing into your own abilities.

    So if Oracle is not my niche, what DO I do? I’m a healer. I’m here to help you through the healing and spiritual growth process. I do readings, as a means to help you discern where you are and what energies we need to navigate. What guidance you need at this time. I’m here to help you help yourself. I’m not here to do it for you but to teach you to do it for yourself. It is my goal at the end of our working relationship that you have moved into an independent space where you can continue the healing work (because it is life long) for yourself and you can grow into your individual path without much need for me or anyone else. It’s not to tell you if your ex is coming back or if you are going to get the job tomorrow. Those types of questions are COPIUM and a waste of time. Not for me…for you. You don’t need to know if you ex is coming back. You need to live like they aren’t. And you’ll know if you are going to get the job in a fairly short amount of time. Like sometime between tomorrow and a week from tomorrow. These are all lessons along the way. Trust, Faith, Mindfulness, Radical Acceptance.

    So if you are looking for yes/no answers all the time, you are not ready for me. That’s ok, not everyone is ready for me. The need to invest in those is a strong indicator that one needs healing. If you want someone to give you answers and tell you what choice you should make, then you aren’t ready for me. We aren’t meant to seek answers from someone else. We didn’t incarnate on this earth for someone else to live our lives for us. If you aren’t ready for me, you’ll be wasting your money, so it is important to be open and hear the guidance. It won’t all be pretty. Spirit WILL tell you things you might not love to hear. So how do you know if you are ready? Well, just being here might be it. It will at least mean that you are close. When you are worried about what has you stuck, then you are ready for me. If you are more inclined to ask “What did that relationship serve to teach me” instead of “Will they come back PLEEEEEEAAASSSEEE” then you are ready for me. If you are on your healing journey and you are seeking to focus on you and better yourself, then you are ready for me. And when you are ready, I am here ❤

  • Two new Guides

    Hello! I wanted to let you know that I have posted 2 new Truth Seeker’s Guides. These are so big for me because I leaned into the channeled information and released the need to research quite a bit. Not altogether, but in a big way. Some of this, for me, was mind blowing and eye opening, even while channeling I was taken by surprise more than twice and I kept having to go back to my guides for clarification. There is a lot of information on a very broad topic. I hope you find them informative and enjoy the read ❤

  • New Reading Option!

    Hiya! I wanted to let you know I have added a new reading option for those of you who would rather not have a video session, or may need a more affordable option and just want some guidance. This is an on demand reading, so the clock starts ticking as soon as I receive the order and I have 3 business days to return the reading back to you via email. Please note that 3 day time period may adjust in the future as needed (depending on volume). This will not be as in depth as the hour long session, but it can get you any guidance you might be looking for or messages you need in the meantime. If you have any questions for the reading, just add them to your notes. If you have any follow up questions after the reading, you can email me from the website. Thank you!