
Albite (ˈal-ˌbīt )- Na(AlSi3O8)

Albite is a Plagioclase Feldspar of the Triclinic System. This is one of the most common members of the Feldspar group, as well as the most sodium rich of the feldspars. It is white to gray or colorless, can be blue tinted (uncommon) or green or red tinted (rare). Typically carries a Vitreous/Sub Vitreous Lustre and has a Moh’s hardness of 6-6.5.

Physically, Albite is touted for its ability to improve brain health. It is believed to improve memory, insight, help treat brain illnesses, and ease recovery from brain injuries and is recommended for migraines.

Emotionally and Mentally, Albite is said to help bring clarity, motivation and inspiration, removing self-doubt, brain fog, and indecisiveness.

Albite helps to increase your intuition and abilities by enhancing your connection to your higher self/spirit guides.